4 Game-Changing Social Media Marketing Trends In 2019

Social media marketing has come a long way in the last couple of years especially in 2018. And this is not about to stop in 2019 and might actually happen at a faster pace. In fact, according to a survey conducted by The Digital Information Worlds, 28% of respondents have either utilized social commerce or plan to do so in the next 12 months. This goes to show that social media will have a significant impact on businesses in 2019. That said, the goal of online businesses has always been to come up with new ways to engage the audience, generate quality leads and ultimately increase sales of products and services. Therefore, the only trends that you’ll be seeing in 2019 are going to be centered on how a business can attract and keep the attention of loyal and prospect customers on social media.

Here are four game-changing social media trends that experts anticipate for 2019 and how to embrace them:

1. Chatbots

Chances are you’ve probably come across chatbots on several websites. But now chatbots are expected to gain more popularity on social media. So why would marketer’s need to use chatbots on social media? It’s pretty straightforward; they can increase customer engagement and make personalized conversations. Besides, they are quicker than a real person, more friendly and often more accurate. They will be able to answer questions and provide 24/7 customer service naturally.

Experts predict that chatbots will grow and evolve and be able to give customers experiences on social media that are less costly, more helpful and fun. In 2019, there might even be chatbots that will be able to mimic the conversation style of Conan O’Brien or even Trevor Noah. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Of course, it would.

2. Video Marketing & Virtual Spaces

Another indubitable social media trend in 2019 will be video marketing. Live videos and all forms of video are quite popular on all social media platforms. People love videos, and they will continue to rave about them even in 2019. A report from Cisco predicts that the demand for video will continue to rise and by the year 2021, videos will account for a staggering 82% of global traffic. Don’t want to be left in 2018? Then it’s about time you get your feet wet and start utilizing video marketing to the fullest. Moreover, Facebook - a social media giant launched the Facebook Watch feature which is a video-on-demand service that solely focuses on video.

While VR can be considered to be a long way from fully being used in the mainstream, keeping your ears on the ground for VR on social in 2019 can help give your business a competitive edge. People are already raving about videos; imagine their excitement if they can immerse themselves in a breathtaking virtual reality experience.

3. Influencer Marketing

Over the last few years, many social media marketers have made use of social influencers for marketing. While there are many YouTube millionaires, Instagram stars and Twitter influencers, they are often used by big corporations. These people are like demigods on social media and have millions of loyal followers who look up to them to make purchases. You are probably asking: If influencer marketing has been around why would it be a trend in 2019? This is because not only is it growing but it is expected to revolutionize social media marketing. In 2019, it is anticipated that even small local businesses are going to start using local influencers.

Experts are saying that in 2019, large and small businesses will take more risks and increase their budgets when working with influencers. The marketing potential of influencers is undeniable. So make sure that your company is among the first in 2019 to learn about local influencers, their unique brands and how to leverage all their benefits.

4. Social Listening

Are you a small business owner and you often feel like your company has been left out when it comes to social listening? If so, things are about to change for you in 2019. Social listening isn't necessarily meant for big brands; it’s just that many people don’t know how to leverage its full potential. To get you started, it is imperative that you understand what social listening entails and the right tools used for social listening. With the right data mining software or tool, you can crawl on all social media platforms and gather info to fuel your research on your competitors and customer needs and preferences. This way you have the power to deliver top-tier services, provide excellent customer experience and manage your brand’s reputation. In 2019, social listening will help businesses to build brand awareness and generate leads for social selling.

2019 is here; it’s about time you stop sitting on the fence and keep up with expected social media marketing trends 2019 to help you dominate your industry in 2019.

And as always, if you need support with your social media marketing campaigns, online advertising, search engine optimization efforts, don't hesitate to check the previous links or to fill this contact form, I will come back to you as soon as possible!

Cheers folks!

KD Team


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