10 Best Social Media Marketing Trends for 2022 Worth Following

Your Growth-Hacking forecast ahead.

Heads up, Social Media Marketing Managers. 

Want users to experience your brand in all its glory? Feel excited when a new launch comes up? Become a community of raving followers? 

The stars have aligned and here are your Best Social Media Marketing Trends for 2022.  

1. Video content will be your ride or die

Create evergreen video content. This right here, is the number one principle that will continue to rule social media in 2022.   

It is the most engaging and relevant form of content.

 The success of Youtube Shorts, Instagram Reels and continued engagement on stories is a testament that users prefer “snackable content”. 

With shorter attention spans and lesser time on hand, short form inspiring videos will rule the social media galaxy. 

Ideas for Short form videos;

1- Product demos

2- Teasers for upcoming products

3- Educational HowTo videos

4- Behind the scenes videos

5- Highlights of  important company events

6- Visual brand storytelling

7- A glimpse into daily activities

8- Create fun challenges

9- Turn DM into quotes

2. TikTok came, saw and dominated social media marketing

TikTok will reign supreme as the most engaging social media platform in 2022. It has officially taken over Google as the world’s most popular website

It provides a unique opportunity for businesses to sell through entertainment. 

If creativity lives in your mind rent-free and creating positive experiences for clients is the ultimate goal  - TikTok is your end-game.

Many businesses have been reluctant to advertise on TikTok. The platform has over 1 billion monthly active users - who wouldn’t want to dive into that ocean of untapped audience potential. 

TikTok’s unique path to purchase describes the demographics and the user’s journey from discovering something new to taking prompt action.  

How you can make the most out of TikTok;

  • create an account handle for your brand
  • discover your ideal customers activities 
  • produce creative, bitesize video content for huge organic reach & engagement.
  • you can also repurpose the videos & share them on other platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram to increase reach. 

We recommend you to leverage the TikTok Creator Marketplace and find your ideal audiences. 

3. Social Commerce season is here to stay

What happens when you mix customer engagement with convenience? Enter Social Commerce. 

This is the process of making sales directly through your social media platforms. Which means the entire customer purchase journey happens on social media. Right from discovery to final check out process. 

Best Platforms To Set Up Social Commerce

  1. Instagram Shops
  2. Facebook Shops
  3. Product Pins on Pinterest
  4. Brand Profiles on Snapchat

Many brands have rightfully mastered the art of social commerce. 

These brands transformed scrolling experience to a full fledged shopping frenzy.

1. Glossier

No one does social selling better than the beauty brand Glossier. With a cult following this brand is among the pioneers of social selling.

social media trends for business


2. Nike

Leave it to Nike to create a one-of-a kind social experience. It became the first brand to sell through Snapchat. 

Nike partnered with Shopify, Darkstore, and Snapchat to pre-release the Air Jordan III “Tinker”. The gimmick was a  huge hit, and sneakers were sold out in 23 minutes. 

social media trends 2022


Cluse utilizes their feed by showing off User Generated Content and adding custom touches so customers feel special about their products. 

future of social media

Design visually appealing shops and provide a seamless digital shopping  experience to your customers. 

Create posts with direct shopping links or run ads. There’s nothing you can’t do with your social  selling. 

4. Partner with trusted influencers for your next campaign

The rising pool of influencers means ONLY one thing - People are TRUSTING their reviews before making the next purchase.   

Many micro-influencers are adept at creating branded content to reach a wide range of audiences. Infact, businesses earn $5.78 ROI for every $1 spent on influencer marketing.

Big giants like Adidas, Pepsi, Fiji Water, British Airways and Bose have been the front runners for paid sponsorships and endorsements. They rely on huge influencer followings on social media. 

Creators generate all kinds of content from traditional posts to creative Instagram Stories to Reels, everything that captures the interest of customers. 

How to become a pro at Influencer Marketing?

  1. Clearly define your target audience profile and set goals
  2. Search through creator marketplaces and shortlist best influencers in your niche based on their content and fan-base. 
  3. Form paid partnerships and decide the terms of long-term collaboration

Influencer marketing means much more than just throwing money around on creators that have a huge following.

You have to collaborate with smart content creators that strive to build meaningful relationships and spark immediate audience interests. 

5. Go Big with Paid Advertising 

Sure organic reach works best in terms of sales, but in 2022 it’s not going to be enough. 

Paid media reaches a large audience, targets ideal customers and drives massive leads and conversions. 

Paid Advertising (PPC) uses Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads, TikTok and Instagram Ads among other social and digital platforms. 

Anatomy of a killer Facebook Ad Campaign;

1- Be clear on your Call to Action 

2- Set up campaigns relevant for a specific audience using the Facebook Ad Targeting Options

3- Make sure your visuals and copy are in complete harmony

4- Adjust Facebook Ad Placements and Formats

5- Test, Measure and Analyze your campaign results

Check out this winning ad from Canvahttps://fb.watch/a1pGqisZXj/

6. Push boundaries with amazing, immersive Augmented Reality 

Ready for real-life experiences? 

2022 is all about creating powerful experiences that look and feel real. 

Customers will want to virtually test products before buying. Infact, 40% of consumers say they would pay more for convenience. It helps them make a faster decision. 

Sephora is an incredible example of using AR to boost conversions. 

The augmented reality feature in the app allows users to upload photos and virtually try products and make the best choice.  

Additionally, the live 3D facial recognition features allows for more accurate facial tracking and rendering. 

social media trends today

7. Invest in a social-audio Strategy

Clubhouse took the social media world by storm. Built around exclusivity, it allows users to listen in to conversations, interviews and discussions on their favourite topics by their favourite thought leaders. 

Similarly, the trend is expected to accelerate during 2022. It will be like tuning into a live podcast and sharing your thoughts.

If you are finding ways to cause brand awareness and soar consumer loyalty, we advise you to invest in a social audio strategy that aligns with the brand identity. 

8. Social Media Inclusivity and Accountability 

You can no longer afford any PR mistakes or stay behind customer’s needs. 

This is achievable if you master social listening and gather consumer insights. 

Create campaigns that shine a spotlight on your customers and deliver an impact. 

Social media managers ought to provide sophisticated levels of customer service. An easy way is to set up live chats on social platforms and create detailed templates for FAQs. 

9. User Generated Content will be the OG 

The best marketing is word of mouth marketing. Taking it one step ahead, UGC leverages real-time content by customers.

It is free, authentic and works like a charm for your business.

How to use UGC on your socials?

1- encourage customers to participate in your campaigns 

2- simply ask for reviews and share them on your social handles

3- host live events with brand ambassadors and influencers

4- ask to repost existing fan photos

5- develop customer surveys

6- search by hashtags 

7- build a community around UGC and make your audiences a part of the bigger picture

8- include UGC in your paid campaigns

10. Omni channel engagement will be a game changer

Developing and executing content on cross-platforms provides a perfect opportunity to form deeper levels of connections with new and existing audiences. 

Social intelligence will play a key role in strategic decisions.

Form communities on various platforms about causes your customers care about. Understand clearly how your users relate to your Brand narrative. And develop more nuanced sub spaces in your niche instead of going conventional.    

Wrapping it Up

In 2022, more than ever brands will use social media marketing for wide reach and massive engagement.

Come out of the shadows and follow these trends to build a growing and sustainable social media strategy.

Want to learn more about social media marketing? Read our other articles or contact us if you need growing your online business. 

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