Marketing Case Study #5: Rakuten Travel – Target Market Strategy
Target Market Strategy is the concept behind our 5th marketing case study and today we will be analyzing a website! So original right? But something simple to learn here: adapt your content to your local audience. In fact, the audience interested in your products or services might not have the same exact profile and you […]
Marketing Case Study #4: Nintendo & The Blue Ocean Strategy
4th case study will be about the Blue Ocean Strategy done by Nintendo in 2006 to be the number 1 in the market. Beating Sony & Microsoft, in terms of sales, even though they were selling more powerful video game consoles than Nintendo. Let’s see how they managed that but first, some context! What Is […]
Marketing Case Study #3: Red Bull Gives You “Wings” Through Guerilla Marketing
Let’s talk about Guerilla Marketing today and what better example can we find than the king of energy drinks: Red Bull! I’ll be surprised if you never heard of them, literally Red Bull is everywhere: It is hard to not see them but have you ever wondered why a drink company focuses its marketing efforts […]