Pepsi Controversial Ad – Case Study #10

In this series, we always talk about successful marketing cases but there are also things to learn from failed strategies. Today, we will discuss the Pepsi TV ad from 2017 starring Kendall Jenner as a strike leader imitating the Black Lives Matter movement… Yes, you can guess from the start it was probably not a […]

Etsy: The Niche Market Strategy – Case Study #8

Have you considered creating a niche market for your business? In a way, this is an alternative to the Nintendo Blue Ocean Strategy we have talked about previously.Think about it, you just created a new brand and right away, you have to face giants that have been in the market for way longer than you. […]

Viral Marketing – Oasis & the Be Fruit Strategy – Marketing Case Study #6

Oh gosh, I hate these fruits… They are everywhere and I have seen them in commercials and on social networks since I was studying at university. Fruits? Indeed, today I’m talking about fruits but not any random fruits, Oasis Fruits!If these fruits are today’s marketing case study it is because, as much as I am […]

Marketing Case Study #5: Rakuten Travel – Target Market Strategy

Target Market Strategy is the concept behind our 5th marketing case study and today we will be analyzing a website! So original right? But something simple to learn here: adapt your content to your local audience. In fact, the audience interested in your products or services might not have the same exact profile and you […]

Marketing Case Study #2: Daniel Wellington Influencer Marketing Strategy

Another day, another marketing case study! Daniel Wellington, have you heard of them?If you are looking to increase visibility through social media, it might be interesting for you to get inspiration from what Daniel Wellington did years ago. This marketing case study is about Influencer Marketing, Instagram & the power of virality. (Also, here is […]