Marketing Case Study #5: Rakuten Travel – Target Market Strategy

Target Market Strategy is the concept behind our 5th marketing case study and today we will be analyzing a website! So original right? But something simple to learn here: adapt your content to your local audience. In fact, the audience interested in your products or services might not have the same exact profile and you […]

Marketing Case Study #4: Nintendo & The Blue Ocean Strategy

4th case study will be about the Blue Ocean Strategy done by Nintendo in 2006 to be the number 1 in the market. Beating Sony & Microsoft, in terms of sales, even though they were selling more powerful video game consoles than Nintendo. Let’s see how they managed that but first, some context! What Is […]

Marketing Case Study #2: Daniel Wellington Influencer Marketing Strategy

Another day, another marketing case study! Daniel Wellington, have you heard of them?If you are looking to increase visibility through social media, it might be interesting for you to get inspiration from what Daniel Wellington did years ago. This marketing case study is about Influencer Marketing, Instagram & the power of virality. (Also, here is […]

Marketing Case Study #1: Tesla’s Website

Let us present you a new series of short articles: Krows Digital Marketing Case study! In this series, we will present to you a business, its target audience, and competition, but also what make them so special or efficient.We hope it can provide you with some insights into your own business! For today’s marketing case […]

Google Ads Optimization: Bidding, Exclusions & Filters

We learned how to setup Google Ads previously, now it is time for you to understand how to do Google Ads optimization! Furthermore, if you don’t know what to choose, for your business, between Facebook Ads & Google Ads, we already talked about that here:Online Advertising: Facebook or Google Ads? All setup? Let’s get it […]

Online Advertising basics: How to advertise on Google Ads?

So, you decided that your business needed more traffic. SEO takes way too long and you want people interested in what you have to sell so you want to start with Google Ads. Indeed, compared to other Paid advertising channels like Facebook Ads, Google Ads is great to target what we call “warm traffic”, people […]

5 SEO Tips to implement in 2022

SEO tips are what you need right now.In fact, SEO has changed in 2022, it’s harder than ever, but a proper strategy still works. SEO seems to get harder as the years go by, with more updates and unlimited variables added to the Google algorithm. While you need to know the newest changes, you must […]